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Kevin McLane's Alpine Select (SWBC)

The premise of this book is quality routes that are doable within a weekend from Vancouver, British Columbia. This list is an alphabetical peak index on the last page.

I'd like to log some serious mileage on these peaks before I leave Vancouver! (Vanquished from Vancouver but I still want more ... .)

  1. Alpha Mountain
  2. Ashlu Mountain
  3. Mount Athelstan
  4. Mount Baker
  5. Mount Bardean
  6. Bear Mountain: Bear Mountain, Direct North Buttress
  7. Blackcomb Peak
  8. Castle Towers Mountain
  9. Chamois Peak
  10. Mount Clarke
  11. Les Cornes
  12. Crown Mountain
  13. Mount Davidson
  14. Mount Dione
  15. Fissile Peak
  16. Mount Fitzsimmons: Mount Fitzsimmons, North Face
  17. Mount Garibaldi: Garibaldi Névé Traverse
  18. Grainger Peak
  19. Mount Habrich
  20. Harvey's Pup
  21. Ibex Peak
  22. Isosceles Peak
  23. Mount James Turner
  24. Joffre Peak:
  25. Mount Matier
  26. Nesakwatch Spire North
  27. Nesakwatch Spire South
  28. Nooksack Tower
  29. The Old Settler
  30. Overseer Mountain
  31. Phyllis' Engine
  32. Mount Redoubt
  33. Rex's Pillar
  34. Mount Rexford
  35. Mount Robie Reid
  36. Mount Samson
  37. Serratus Mountain
  38. Mount Shuksan
  39. Sky Pilot Mountain
  40. Slesse Mountain
  41. Mount Sloan
  42. The Sphinx
  43. Steinbok Peak
  44. Mount Tantalus
  45. Mount Thiassi
  46. Mount Vayu
  47. Viennese Peak
  48. Wahoo Tower
  49. Mount Weart
  50. Wedge Mountain
  51. Yak Peak
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