The Double Double

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Trippin' travellin'.
from Seattle, Washington

The Double Double

Post by DonJuanPakistan »

It was not my intention that my greatest recreational coup have such a disgusting carbon footprint. The human-powered proponents scoff, the clean energy crowd sniffs, the native man sheds a single tear. I, however, am blessedly spared from noticing these whimperings, as they are completely drowned out by the sound of various combustion engines.

The double can mean many things. Maybe you sell some stocks and go golfing? Maybe the Traslins ride their bikes 100km and then do the Spearhead. For me I'm a bit obsessed with the source-to-sea variety - the ski and surf.

So, part 1 of 4. Heli shredding in the Andes. Met a gajillionaire Norwegian at a bar in Farellones who had contracted a lodge and a heli and the staff to go with it for a week. He "didn't need the heli in the morning," and invited myself and two friends to use it. We got dropped deep in the backcountry, scored one run with the heli, and then it left us to tour for the rest of the day before coming back to swoop us at around 5pm. OK.
doubleone.jpg (101.93 KiB) Viewed 28582 times
We also had a van, we also had two days and a night to spare, we also knew the way to Puertecillo. Just drive west till you find it. BBQ, camp, surf brains out, rapid exit to Santiago airport and chao to the America-of-the-South.
puertevan.jpg (172.02 KiB) Viewed 28582 times
Back in America-of-the-North-but-not-as-far-north-as-Canada, it was snowing. I had a day to unpack and eat Vietnamese food, and then I loaded up with Kamtrom and Amar and hit the snowfield, meeting a couple more friends up at Camp. Not only was there 6-12'' of recently fallen snow, it was actively doing a wintery-snow-thing up there at the hut. Awesome. We burned one in the public shelter (I took Amar's share), waited a couple hours for a clearing that never materialized, and gangbanged the snow field in fine style.
amarfield.jpg (86.86 KiB) Viewed 28582 times
With helicopters, trans-continental air travel, and a few long drives under my belt already, I figured the best way to cap off the hedonistic leisure binge was a quickie surf mission to Westport. Good surf, good bro-downing in the parking lot, and the double double was complete.

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from Santa Fe

Re: The Double Double

Post by skykilo »

Drew coming through with massive win shares in two hemispheres.

Also, killer paint job on that van.


Re: The Double Double

Post by Alex »

In the middle eastern territory of Ontario they'd interpret a double double as coffee.
I once rented a Wicked that had 2 topless women painted on the side of it. I got a lot of dirty looks wherever I went. Yours seems rather PC.

I haven't surfed since I cracked the fin plugs on my fish. I should actually fix that and go splash around again, since that's what it'd probably amount to after such a long time off.


Re: The Double Double

Post by kamtron »

Just finding this now as snow season seems to be rapidly gaining momentum in the WA. Why no doubling-down to Muir yesterday, Drew?

That Andean terrain looks like endless hippy pow.

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