Alpha Gaper (Micah) and Eric on the approach.

Crestone Peak looked mighty intimidating from the upper basin. Two sections of the Northwest Couloir are visible splitting the middle. The ice flow is below the fall line of the Northwest Couloir. If you blow it in there, you'll probably die a few times before you stop.

The line seemed improbable on first sight. We deemed the adventure and the summit worthy nevertheless.
So we found some extracurricular scrambling on the way to the col.

The view of the Crestones from the col was spectacular.

The first choke was skiable and snow conditions were good.

Conditions up to 13,700 ft were prime.

Then we found some entertaining alpine ice.

Alpha Gaper on the ice.

It was fun to scramble on the rocky side of the couloir.

The gully to the summit was simple enough, with a few little steps. Eric's purple arm is just visible above Micah as he's pulling through the largest step.

Summit squirt!

Attaining the summit and getting down the upper couloir took time, so we missed the best light and conditions for skiing. It was still superb to ski in such a rarified location.

Eric enjoys the descent.

After dark, refreezing isothermal bullshit made for the worst possible snow on the descent in the lower basin. Time warped. But we survived unscathed.