After fleeing like Bambi on Monday, I found myself at DD's not-so-secret Park City lair. After a scant four hours of sleep, he pulled a couple shots of espresso for me and drove us to Little Cottonwood Canyon. He knew I held the secrets to fire and survival, so he threw me on The Green Adjective. It's a highly rated LCC classic freed by George Lowe, a friction-footwork intensive tweakerfest up a flaring pin-scarred seam, southern aspect perfect for one of the hotter days of the year. I eventually got up it, but it was our only climb of the day. I should have taken all of my offset nuts.
Today, Liz and I climbed Arm and Hammer, another local classic.
Middle Bell Tower. A leader is midway up the third pitch of Arm and Hammer.
Liz follows the offwidth on the second pitch. I told her to stop cheating.
Above the first tension traverse. That was exciting.
Liz near the top of the Zion Curtain pitch, tension traverse => incredible flake => stimulating slab finish.
A thunderstorm added excitement to the hike down the canyon. Tonight I'll call on Dr. Layton.