Jessie and Patrick approach the base of Astro Devil

Patrick leads the first pitch while I belay.

The second pitch has lots of small edges and great rock.

There are a few moves that require balance or fancy footwork.

The rock was getting hot and I was glad to be done with my lead.

Patrick is moving past a mantle style move that gave me some trouble. It seemed like a spot where height is not an advantage.

Note that the helmet is on the harness for proper steeze. It's for belaying.

The top pitch was also very good but I didn't take any butt shots. My toes melted while I was following it. It will be good to revisit this climb during cooler weather. I would not recommend getting as late of a start as we did on a hot day. But it was still worth it!
Astro Devil is relentless and I recommend it.
Love you, mom, thanks for the visit!