Constant seaside views of Whatcom's Skyscraper culminated in the journey, upon seeing @berglr's instagram "opening" the C-D skiway.
How to ~25yo as a ~40yo:
Home aerobics
Sleep at "TH" in converted dump-run van
Wake 3am have tea
Start moving at 4, when the retired generally begin their morning walks
Sunrise break: head-to-toe sunproof clothings
Leisurely fat-burn top out @ noonish, enjoy two burritos on a snowthrone
Try advising young Coloraders to wait for corn-o-clock (they did after losing a ski)
Slay continuous perfect proto-schmoo in far too little time, dat expansive swooping liteness in the belly verging on actual ski sickness
A timeless classic, albeit lacking in the added entertainment of old regulars.