After ample foul weather in the Alps, we sought fun in the Ardèchois sun.
I wanted to climb the striking, eight-pitch Pilier Ouest de l'Autridge.
How could three baby goats be wrong?
L1: a bulge with an awkward move or two and some cruisy face climbing.
L2: an easy dihedral
L3: very fun layback flake into a dihedral
L4: some thin face moves from a cave, exhilirating
L5: more face climbing, a little easier
L6: choss on the left, a big cave on the right, your boy got spanked.
L7: traverse left onto another route to finish on some very fun face climbing.
L8: three bolts through an overhanging section. I get two and I'm through. Fall, crawl, bail. Oh well, we'll just have to console ourselves with an epic four-course meal in Lagorce.
The next day we have a look at Le Cirque des Gens. Neato.
A nice two-pitch climb to get that taste out of my mouth.
Sympa, Souriante, Chouette.