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El Rito, NM sport climbing

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:26 pm
by naomig
I know most of you aren't into sporto action but I enjoy every kind of climbing. Sky was working last Sunday so his friends Pasha and Chris took me out to El Rito for some sport climbing treat. It's only an hour drive away from Los Alamos and has super fun rock. It's conglomerate (sandstone and river) rock that can be quite overhanging with these fun positive pockets.

Pasha and Chris are great climbers. Chris ran up all the 12a routes we climbed, Pasha lead them with style too and then he encouraged me to lead my very first 12a route.

Chris sending some 5.11+ warmup route on Pirate Wall.

Chris leading Stroke Me on Rad Wall, 12a.

Pasha on Stroke Me. Look how overhangy it is.

I lead Bolting Barbie on Rad Wall, rated 12a (even though it's a soft 12a). Here is a vid of me leading it the second time. I knew the holds, was ready to send but man, you get so PUMPED! So, I stopped two draws away from the chains but it was super fun and I and proud and STOKED!
(Hm, the embedding of the youtube didn't work, so please have a look here:)

I'm by the anchors on Bolting Barbie on Rad Wall now.

Re: El Rito, NM sport climbing

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:45 pm
by skykilo
Looks like it works?

Re: El Rito, NM sport climbing

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:28 pm
by DonJuanPakistan
Who says we don't like clippin' bolts? Looks awesome.

Re: El Rito, NM sport climbing

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:06 pm
by teleross
Looks like some nice rock and fun climbing down there.
Way to send Naomi!!

Re: El Rito, NM sport climbing

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:04 pm
by PeteH
Nice work Naomi!