Photo from last year, line on looker's left; it's not as fat right now but gud enuf

Naomi spent 3 weeks in Japan doing nothing but eating. We found ourselves in Whistler; she had skis, boots, and shiny new Dynafit bindings. First I poached a random power outlet for the drill.

Then I found an ideal workbench in the day parking to mount the bindings.

The next day we climbed Joffre via the Aussie Couloir with Andy, Jake and Ziff. There was uncertainty in the group at the top. Ziff convinced us of his anti-Twisting Couloir viewpoint because of possible objective hazards. Given the latish hour and the nature of the line, five people seemed too many for Joffre Couloir. So Andy, Jake and Ziff decided to ski the Aussie.
It was Naomi's first day on Dynafits and her first tour of this magnitude so I asked her, "What do you want to do?"
She said, "I don't want to ski any crusty, crappy snow."
Well, it was clear where we would find the pow so we headed for Joffre Couloir.
There was a nice big rock to use for an anchor and Ziff had kindly given us a phat piece of tat.

The verdict was "It's a go."

The top slope is steeep and holds epic powder.

Perfect snow!

There was some thinly-covered rock and some water ice through the narrow section, but enough snow to get over it without much trouble.
Then it was pure steep skiing ecstasy.

Here is an animated gif made with Naomi's fancy new camera from Japan.

Two small jumps were necessary to clear the bergschrunds; they're not covered yet. The powder on the glacier and moraine was incredible.
I have some pictures of Naomi schralping the steep pow but my camera is under a pile of gear and I don't think they're as good as her pictures. I'll add some of them eventually. Just in case it's not painfully clear from my blurbs here: Naomi kicks a lot of ass.