Whole lotta love.

My dad came to visit. He wanted to climb. It rained all day and the Apron was wet, otherwise I'd've taken him up Diedre. Instead I dragged him over the top of the Chief to the Solarium and made him prusik up Sunblessed while Naomi and I doubled our pleasure by both leading. I'm such a good son.
Water streaks on the Apron, fresh snow on Garibaldi.

Naomi and Randy wander wet slabs while I locate the top of the route.

Naomi leads the stellar lady-hands splitter of Sunblessed. To leave her a good rack to lead this pitch, I led it with three tricams and two nuts, which made it even more fun!

The rock is so beautiful up there.

Then Naomi snapped a shot of me leading this fun bolted pitch to the top after her.

Good times!

Old man on the rocks!

Naomi and I both had way too much fun on Overly Hanging Out the other day. This Malamute classic is not to be missed!
I follow the first pitch after kindly retrieving Naomi's chalk bag from the jungle.

Launching into The Great Arch!

Overly Hanging Out on lead.

I don't know if I've ever wanted so bad, or tried so hard, to make a clip. Got it!

She liked it.

OMG I can't believe she's doing that again! I think her belay was worthless, because I was crippled with laughter.

I guess I can see why she did that.

You are now officially having too much fun.