But Alex was interested in another after-work special and we managed to make it happen yesterday. We started with Rainy Day Dream Away: a beautiful finger crack within spitting distance of the Chief Campground.

Alex works (gets worked?) on his finger jams.

Then we started up A Cream of White Mice. The first pitch features fun face and corner climbing.

Sunset over the Howe Sound was lovely.

Two pitches up ACOWM, we called our climb due to darkness, but there was a perfect little ledge for a comfy seat and it was quite the place to drink a beer. You might be able to tell that it was a rough week for me.

Thanks for helping me with my work-week blues, Alex!
Oh yeah, Alex, here's that Peaches song I had stuck in my head. Listen to it at your own risk; it's NSFW-ish.