- Relativistic Kinematics Calculator for Two-Body Nuclear Reactions: I wrote a script to make my life easier when thinking about physics experiments. I'm really excited about it.
- Relativistic Reaction Kinematics: This page explains the equations that go into the calculator.
- Solving the Schrödinger Equation for a Hydrogen Atom
- ROOT Macro parser: Although it seems ubiquitous in physics labs, I'm not a huge fan of ROOT. This is a script that takes the Macro output from a ROOT histogram plot and turns it into a two-column ASCII file for people who like to do more atavistic analyses. It's not really for public consumption, but if you would like to use it, send me an email.
- My fitting routine, version 2010.11.02: This is just a marker for me to let me know where I put this. Sorry, it's not really for public consumption either.